Varicose veins on the legs should be treated as soon as possible!

leg pain with varicose veins

Varicose veins on the legs is a pathological condition that can be encountered by almost every person - despite the fact that members of the fairer sex suffer from this disease much more often, men often experience severe, life-threatening complications (thrombosis and thromboembolism).

Both topical and oral medications can be used to treat varicose veins today. Creating an effective drug for varicose veins is the dream of every specialist dealing with this problem or of a pharmaceutical company that studies drugs that affect the state of the vascular wall and blood properties - such a drug will always be sought after by patients suffering from this disease.

Many people dismiss varicose veins as a cosmetic problem that prevents them from wearing certain clothes or limits a person's functionality, but doctors who deal with this problem say that the complications are terrible for the patient.

Manifestations of varicose veins - what you should pay attention to

Any vascular surgeon or phlebologist who consults patients with symptoms of this disease can say that, in the vast majority of cases, patients do not come for consultation at the moment when varicose veins on the legs first appear, but in the advanced stage. changes or complications. Swollen veins on the legs become noticeable at this stage, but the first symptoms that indicate the progression of vascular disorders in the venous bed of the lower extremities are fatigue in the legs in the evening hours.

Unpleasant sensations can occur after a long stay in an upright position, in the same situation at night, convulsive twitches, swelling of the subcutaneous tissue of the lower half of the body (most often on the feet and legs) can occur. Very often, members of the fairer sex complain that the veins on their legs become very visible only during pregnancy or after the onset of menopause (in this case, the appearance of symptoms is often accompanied by other signs of hormonal imbalance).

It is important to remember that protrusions on the veins of the legs indicate that the disease has already passed from the stage of initial changes to the stage of trophic disorders, and this already requires the use of the entire arsenal of drugs used to treat varicose veins. . If the patient has varicose veins, the symptoms of the disease should not be ignored, because the development of varicose veins impairs not only the conditions of blood circulation in the veins, but also the rheological properties of the blood (its coagulability increases sharply and blood clots appear in the vessels). That's why, when a blood clot separates, thromboembolism occurs in various organs, including cerebral vessels or pulmonary arteries, which poses a mortal danger to the patient's life - the development of such a condition will require urgent and intensive treatment.

Is it possible to cure varicose veins?

cream for the treatment of varicose veins

If the patient is diagnosed with varicose veins on the legs, then the condition of the tissue on the lower extremities, and the circulatory system of the body as a whole, and the possibility of preventing complications of this pathological condition will depend on early diagnosis and timely and comprehensive treatment. In case the doctor detects varicose veins on the legs, the treatment will be chosen only after:

  • study of the patient's medical history and complaints;
  • clinical and biochemical blood tests, which will necessarily include the implementation of a coagulogram and tests to detect threatening disorders of hemostasis and high probability of thrombosis;
  • ultrasound scan of the blood vessels of the lower extremities with mandatory determination of the blood flow rate (dopplerography);
  • angiographic examination of blood vessels in which damage to the deep veins of the legs is suspected.

The main components of the treatment of varicose veins are the use of:

  • thoughtful diet;
  • use of traditional medicine;
  • appointment of local and systemic drug therapy;
  • application of modern surgical treatment methods.

Nutrition for varicose veins should be as balanced and correct as possible, if possible, overweight. The patient's diet should contain a sufficient amount of protein of animal origin, supplied with the meat of young animals or various seafood - only with such food, a sufficient amount of elastin (a protein necessary for the restoration of the vascular wall of the veins) can enter the body. It is important to consume sufficient intake of vegetables and fruits, which will become a source of vitamins and prevent constipation.

The treatment of varicose veins with leeches simultaneously has several goals, the main of which is the entry into the body of an effective natural anticoagulant and the effect on biologically active points of the body responsible for the regulation of vein tone. Such treatment should be carried out by a qualified specialist who has experience in the application of hirudotherapy.

If the patient has initial varicose veins, folk recipes, proven by centuries of experience, will help to slow down the progression of changes. The use of horse chestnut extracts in the form of decoctions and infusions for oral administration, as well as preparations for local administration, is popular. Horsetail, moss, dandelion, verbena, peony, raspberry, sweet clover, rue are used in the treatment of varicose veins - a huge number of recipes have been created for their use.

Tablets for varicose veins are, in the vast majority of cases, purified substances obtained from traditional medicine. Of course, such treatment has the expected effect much faster than decoctions and infusions, but the price of such treatment is many times higher. In addition, if necessary, drugs that affect vascular tone and blood clotting can be used, but such therapy must be agreed with the doctor.

Laser treatment

Laser treatment of varicose veins becomes an effective and modern method of low-traumatic surgical intervention - the treatment of affected vessels with a laser ("soldering") causes the cessation of blood flow and destruction of blood vessels. This reduces the severity of the cosmetic defect, which is so noticeable in varicose veins, but does not affect thethe cause of the disease and the mechanism of its development. That is why such treatment can be used as a component of complex therapy for varicose veins of the body and its special case - varicose veins of the lower extremities.